Express and Release


Express & Release Therapeutic Dance creates safe space for the community to learn to accept their emotions, express them through movement, to then release them from the self.  

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Through this space, we can cultivate healthier societies that foster relationships with self and the community. Our hope is for dance to be normalized in being used for stress relief and coping with life’s daily transitions. We long for the people of our community to freely express themselves through an emotional release and not be afraid to feel overwhelming emotions
The idea of this company began when I helped my 4-year-old toddler go from full rage to communicating his feelings in one minute. He was feeling overwhelmed and was expressing anger and rage and became a danger to himself and his environment. But, instead of scolding him for how he was processing his emotions, I guided him through dance movements to help him accept, express, and release his emotions. In that moment, I realized that dance that allows you to slow down, pause, consciously breathe, and feel your skin and move in ways that are not just routinized but are instead endlessly authentic should not just be available to my family but should be accessible to all families.

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