Triangle Chess


Triangle Chess is introducing chess to youth; we help kids achieve more through chess. Chess gives kids confidence that carries over to many other pursuits. The reading and math skills of children who play chess consistently soar. Their social skills increase substantially with respect to playing fairly, courage in facing difficult situations or opponents, and the patience needed for exceptional timing. Troubled youth benefit from chess with increased interest in learning and a reduction of performance distracting outbursts.

Contact Triangle Chess

13 + 6 =

Ability Levels Novice to USCF 1600 2-3 Lessons / Day 4-5 Games / Day Typical Ages: 6-14 Tournament at end of the week.
Try a Free Lesson on Saturday or Sunday from 12p to 1p. Classes are available for all skill levels. Our typical students range in age from 6 to 14 years old.

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